Finding our Independence within Ourselves
On June 12, 2020, Legazy also celebrated its independence from our first-born brand, Eye Know Right. As a brand that started growing from the supporters of our first brand, Legazy has developed a more extensive community since it stood on its own. Today, Legazy has already brought together thousands of individuals with a great passion for Filipino culture and artistry and deeply honors our ancestors' legacy.
We celebrated our independence through a concert entitled Root ng Ina mo, featuring local indie artists to highlight the message of honoring and celebrating our Filipino roots. To celebrate our first year of independence, we want to inspire people that independence is a big step towards growth despite being risky.
But this year, with our current situation, celebrating like usual is impossible. We present the #LEGAZYMalayangPilipino Contest for the audience to share their independence stories and their takeaways from their personal freedom experiences. We know that we have different backgrounds, and hearing it from people from all walks of life will be more relatable and inspiring because not every story is the same and applicable for every life. After all, what's important is taking charge of your story, and here are four ways that can help you walk
towards that path of independence:
Create a plan.
What do you see in the future? What life do you want to have? You have to create your plan based on your current situation. It is essential to stay focused on your destination to fulfill your goals without following others.
Take some time to learn more about yourself.
Do something for yourself regularly that you enjoy. It doesn't matter what it is, but make it a habit to check in with yourself and do the things you love alone. It is a step to learning that you are enough company for yourself.
Decide on your own.
It is easier to make our choices from getting the opinions of other people, but sometimes it just hinders you from being confident in your judgments. Giving yourself the freedom to choose will also allow you to rely less on others.
Accept and let go.
Acceptance is the key to be truly free. Learn to let go of all your doubts and hesitations and live with your truth. Find a space in your heart and mind to let the things you cannot control be part of yourself and go with the flow and learn from your journey.
Independence is a scary and bold move into personal development, but you have to be patient and enjoy the process.
We are grateful to everyone who has been there to support us since our first day of independence. And to give back, we released a comeback of the two most loved products of Legazy, including the product that we first released at the same time of our independence in 2020, the Baybayin Maskara. With new design and improvements, this Magiting x Pilipino Maskara 3.0, along with the Pilipino Baybayin Balabal will be given to the lucky winners of the
#LegazyMalayangPilipino Contest.
Let's celebrate Independence Day by exchanging our stories that may inspire others to take courageous action to free themselves from others' choices and stand up on their own.
Mabuhay ang mga Malayang Pilipino!